Saturday, May 27, 2017

la moelle - bone marrow

Passent encore les crottes sur les trottoirs, il faut bien que le chien se soulager, il faut apaiser la faim, mais rien qu'un os rongé, aux extrémités craquelées, vidé de sa moelle

Passing by crap on the sidewalk, the dog had to tend to its basic needs, it had to appease its hunger; but there was nothing except a gnawed bone, its ends broken, emptied of its marrow!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

une noix - a nut (food)

En Côte d'Ivoire la collecte des noix de karité ainsi que l'extraction du beurre de karité est exclusivement une activité féminine. 

In the Ivory Coast, the collections of shea nuts, as well as the extraction of shea butter, is exclusively women's work.

пытаться - to try, attempt [imp]

Если вы умны, вы не будете пытаться это сделать. If you are smart, you won't attempt this.   Я пытался играть на гитаре , но не могу. I ...