Tuesday, February 6, 2007

guetter - to watch out for, keep an eye on

Ils s’intéressaient surtout à un petit soldat, posté au bord de la Morelle, derrière la carcasse d’un vieux bateau ; il était à plat ventre, guettait, lâchait son coup de feu, puis se laissait glisser dans un fossé, un peu en arrière, pour recharger son fusil ; et ses mouvements étaient si drôles, si rusés, si souples, qu’on se laissait aller à sourire en le voyant.

They were especially interested in a young soldier, stationed on the bank of the Morelle.  He was lying on his belly behind the wreck of an old boat, keeping guard; he would let off a shot, then slither into a ditch a little behind him to reload his rifle; and his movements were so funny, so cunning, so supple, that they couldn't help smiling at him.

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