Sunday, September 30, 2007

cracher - to spit, belch

Au Népal, entrer dans une habitation avec ses chaussures est comparable au fait de cracher sur le sol d'une maison occidentale.

In Nepal, entering a house with your shoes on is the same as if you had spit on the floor of someone's house in the west.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

soûl - drunk

Il savait s'amuser, faire des repas avec des amis, se soûlait beaucoup mais il retournait toujours à sa solitude. 

He knew how have fun, go out and eat with friends, get drunk, but he always returned to his solitary life.

Friday, September 28, 2007

ricaner - to giggle; to sneer

Le premier à rire, ricaner, sourire ou à se tourner devient le nouveau centre d'attention.

The first one to laugh, giggle, smile, or turn away becomes the new center of attention.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

die Hinsicht - this respect, way, regard

In dieser Hinsicht ist mir meine Schwester sehr ähnlich.

My sister is very similar to me in this respect.

In gewisser Hinsicht hat mein Freund recht.

In a certain way my friend is right.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

aufregend - exciting

Sie war in vielerlei Hinsicht aufregend.

It has been exciting in many ways.

Monday, September 24, 2007

les maux - woes, ailments

Qu'il s'agisse du chamanisme, du christianisme ou de l'athéisme, tous ont le réflexe de penser que la religion pourra résoudre les maux du monde.

Whether it be shamanism, Christianity, or athiesm, we all reflexively think that religion can solve the ills of the world.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

un bouc émissaire - a scapegoat

Bruxelles en tant que nouveau pouvoir central reste toujours le bouc émissaire favori, responsable des maux dont souffrent les citoyens européens.

Brussels, in its role as the new central power, is still the popular scapegoat, responsible for the woes that European citizens suffer.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

papoter - to chat, jaw

Apprenez-en plus sur l'outback australien, une zone où les plaines s'étendent à l'infini et où les gens peuvent papoter à n'en plus finir. 

Learn more about the Australian Outback, a region where the plains stretch out forever and where the people can chew the fat endlessly.

Friday, September 21, 2007

le crissement - a squeal, crunch, squeak

Vos freins ont besoin d'entretien si vous entendez un grincement, frottement, crissement ou broutement excessif.

Your brakes need maintenance if you hear excessive screeching, grinding, squealing, or groaning.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

das blaue Auge - a black eye

Klar, ich habe ein blaues Auge, aber du solltest den anderen sehen!

Sure, I have a black eye, but you should see the other guy!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

das Sonderangebot - a bargain, special offer

Ich brauche es nicht wirklich, aber es ist im Sonderangebot!

I don't really need this, but it's on sale!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

ça me branche - that's my thing

Pour cette bande dessinée, j'avoue que les dessins sont magnifiques et l'histoire me branche bien.

For this comic book, I'd say the drawings are amazing and I really dig the story.

Monday, September 17, 2007

un gémissement - a groan, whimper

Le secouriste a entendu un gémissement épuisé et trouvé la victime.

The searchers heard an exhausted groan and found the victim.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

les chiottes - the shitter, the toilet [f]

Je nettoie les chiottes des gens pour gagner quelques sous.

I scrub other people's toilets for lousy pay.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

la prestation - benefit; delivery

Les membres peuvent profiter de toutes les prestations du club.

Members can enjoy all the club's benefits.

Nous avons également accompli des progrès non négligeables en collaborant avec nos partenaires au développement du réseau de prestation

Collaborating with our partners, we have also made not inconsiderable progress developing our delivery network.

Friday, September 14, 2007

détaillant - a retailer, dealer; retail

Vous pouvez apporter votre montre à votre détaillant spécialisé local, mais vous devrez éventuellement payer cette prestation.

You can take your watch to your local specialist retailer, but you may possibly be charged for this benefit.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I got shingles from a roof

Let's talk about shingles, or as I like to refer to them, spinal herpes.  

Shingles, the disease, is a viral infection also known as herpes zoster (more on that in a minute).  It's caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox.  I have had it, and it wasn't painful, but it itched like crazy.  Many people, especially older people, report that it hurts.  Most commonly, shingles presents as a rash that develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso.

It's this wrap-around feature that gives us its name.  The word shingles comes from from Medieval Latin cingulus, a loan-translation of Greek zoster which means "girdle."  This ultimately derives from the Latin cingulum "girdle," due to how the disease wraps like a girdle around your midsection.

The rooftop shingle comes from the Latin scindula which derives from a root meaning splinter, or tear off, because shingles are just pieces that tear off from a roof.  The fact that the two meanings diverged into one English word is just an unfortunate coincidence.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

la paperasse - paperwork, red tape

Cette réduction des programmes de remise devrait également alléger la paperasse à remplir chez les détaillants locaux. 

This reduction of rebate programs should alleviate the paperwork piling up at local retailers as well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

congédier - to fire, dismiss

L'entreprise ne peut pas congédier des employés sans raison valable. 

The company cannot fire its employees without reasonable cause.

Monday, September 10, 2007

balancer - to betray

Il a fait neuf ans de prison et n'a jamais balancé ses complices.

He did nine years in prison and never ratted out his accomplices.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

une gifle - a smack, slap

Évitons qu'une nouvelle gifle ne soit donnée à ces pauvres.

Let's avoid giving yet another slap in the face to these unfortunates.

C'est comme si j'avais reçu une gifle en plein visage et qu'on me disait de me réveiller.

It was as if I had been given a slap in the face and been told to wake up.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

拿走 - to take away

他 拿走 了 我 的 书。 

tā ná zǒule wǒ de shū

Il a pris mon livre.

Friday, September 7, 2007

拿 - to hold, seize, catch

我 得 拿 我 的 包。 

wǒ dei ná wǒ de bāo

I need to get my suitcase.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

没关系 - no worries, it doesn't matter

你 拿 走了 我 的 铅笔。 没关系。 

nǐ ná zǒule wǒ de qiānbǐ. Méiguānxì

You took my pencil.  It doesn't matter.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

对不起 - sorry

对 不 起! 我 太 忙了。 

duì bù qǐ  Wǒ tài mángle

Sorry!  I am too busy.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monday, September 3, 2007

Sunday, September 2, 2007

不客气 - you're welcome

不 客 气! 我 得 走了。 

bù kèqì! Wǒ děi zǒule

You're welcome!  I have to go.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

九 - nine

我 有 九 个 哥哥。 

wǒ yǒu jiǔ gè gēgē

I have nine older brothers.

sans ordonnance - over the counter, without prescription

Retrouvez vos médicaments sans ordonnance sur votre pharmacie en ligne, Pharma GDD, pour soigner les petits maux du quotidien. Find over th...