Едим рис ложкой!
We eat rice with a spoon!
The man spoke four languages so fluently he was mistaken for a native in each. But he was not a linguist. He was a polyglot. "One is an academic, one is a Swiss waiter," he remarked.
Я завтракаю каждое утро.
I eat breakfast every morning.
Где твоя девушка любит завтракать?
Where does your girlfriend like to eat breakfast?
Я не сплю, но работаю.
I am not sleeping, but working.
Она спит весь день.
She sleeps all day.
здесь нельзя́ кури́ть.
Smoking is not allowed here.
Мне нельзя пить молоко.
I cannot drink milk.
感恩节: gǎnēnjié: Thanksgiving
Son nez légèrement froncé laissait voir une échancrure qui semblait calquée sur la vie.
Her lightly puckered nose showed a wrinkle which seemed written on her life.
Ça, c'est déjà assez angoissant - mais pourquoi c'était lui qui a rompu avec elle?
That's bad enough, but why was it he who broke up with her?
Кровь разносит кислород из лёгких по всему телу.
Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
有意思: yǒuyìsi: interesting
Notre peau brune, nos cheveux bouclés et nos yeux clairs nous ont distingués des autres.
Our brown skin, curly hair, and light eyes set us apart from the others.
Le policier a menotté le suspect et l'a conduit au véhicule.
The police officer handcuffed the suspect and led him to the vehicle.
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