Monday, August 3, 2015

What a shambles of an etymology

This etymology was told to me a lifetime ago by my Shakespeare teacher in high school as an example of how words can change meaning over time, and I never forgot it.

The word shambles today primarily means a mess, a scene of disorder, something disorganized.

But it used to mean a meat market, or a butchery.  In fact, in York, there's an area called The Shambles, where historically butchers plied their trade.  It's a fascinating area, because of how the walls are close together to provide shade for the hanging meats, and how the street slopes down on both sides toward the middle, so as to sluice all the blood and offal more easily.

Anyway, the reason shambles became known as a butchery or slaughterhouse is because it refers to the bench on which the meats were laid out for customers to see.  The word itself actually descends from some Old English, Old Norse, and Old Germanic words, ultimately derived from Latin scamillus, meaning a low stool or bench.

So the word really made a few twists and turns over the centuries.  In English, the sense evolved from "footstool (1300s) to "place where meat is sold" to "slaughterhouse" (1540s), then figuratively "place of butchery" (1590s), and, generally, "confusion, mess" (1901, usually in plural).

Sunday, March 8, 2015

le plumier - a pencil-box, pen case

C'est un plumier en cuivre jaune avec des compartiments pour ranger les plumes, l'encre, le sable et les bourres de fil.

It's a brass pencil-box with compartments for storing pens, ink, sand, and threads.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

un écrou - a nut (tool)

Glissez temporairement le boulon à travers l'assemblage mais ne resserrez pas encore l'écrou.

Temporarily slide the bolt through the assembly but don't tighten the nut yet.

Friday, March 6, 2015

une bêche - a spade

Enfoncez la bêche verticalement dans le sol en appuyant d'un pied sur la base et en utilisant tout le poids du corps.

Drive the spade vertically in the soil, pushing one foot down on the base with the entire weight of your body.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

une châtaigne - a chestnut

La soupe présente un goût peu salé et peu sucré et un léger goût de poireau et de châtaigne
The soup has a slightly salty, slightly sweet taste, with a delicate undertone of leek and chestnut.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

coudre - to sew, stitch

Ma sœur sait coudre, donc elle fait ses propres vêtements.

My sister knows how to sew, and makes her own clothes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

un ressort - a spring

Je sens les ressorts dans mon vieux matelas.

I feel the springs inside my old mattress.

Monday, March 2, 2015

un récif - a reef

Le récif de corail abrite de nombreuses espèces marines. 

The coral reef provides shelter for numerous marine species.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

un abat-jour - a lampshade

Fabriqué à la main, cet abat-jour est composé de deux disques de papier blanc maintenus en courbe par une structure métallique fixée au mur.

Made by hand, this lampshade is made of two discs of white paper formed into a curved shape by a metal structure fixed to the wall.

sans ordonnance - over the counter, without prescription

Retrouvez vos médicaments sans ordonnance sur votre pharmacie en ligne, Pharma GDD, pour soigner les petits maux du quotidien. Find over th...